Emphasize Text With Purple Haze And Highlighter

  1. Emphasize Text With Purple Haze And Highlighter Concealer
  2. Purple Haze Lyrics
  3. Emphasize Text With Purple Haze And Highlighter Palette
  4. Emphasize Text With Purple Haze And Highlighter Swatches

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Single line blockquote:

Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

Multi line blockquote with a cite reference:

People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things. Steve Jobs – Apple Worldwide Developers’ Conference, 1997

Emphasize text with purple haze and highlighter palette


Jane$1Because that’s all Steve Job’ needed for a salary.
John$100KFor all the blogging he does.
Jane$100MPictures are worth a thousand words, right? So Tom x 1,000.
Jane$100BWith hair like that?! Enough said…

Definition Lists

Definition List Title
Definition list division.
A startup company or startup is a company or temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.
Coined by Rob Dyrdek and his personal body guard Christopher “Big Black” Boykins, “Do Work” works as a self motivator, to motivating your friends.
Do It Live
I’ll let Bill O’Reilly will explain this one.

Unordered Lists (Nested)

  • List item one
    • List item one
      • List item one
      • List item two
      • List item three
      • List item four
    • List item two
    • List item three
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  • List item two
  • List item three
  • List item four

Ordered List (Nested)

  1. List item one
    1. List item one
      1. List item one
      2. List item two
      3. List item three
      4. List item four
    2. List item two
    3. List item three
    4. List item four
  2. List item two
  3. List item three
  4. List item four


These supported tags come from the WordPress.com code FAQ.

Address Tag

1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014
United States

Anchor Tag (aka. Link)

This is an example of a link.

Abbreviation Tag

The abbreviation srsly stands for “seriously”.

Acronym Tag

The acronym ftw stands for “for the win”.

Big Tag

These tests are a big deal, but this tag is no longer supported in HTML5.

Cite Tag

“Code is poetry.” —Automattic

Code Tag

You will learn later on in these tests that word-wrap: break-word; will be your best friend.

Delete Tag

This tag will let you strikeout text, but this tag is no longer supported in HTML5 (use the <strike> instead).

Emphasize Tag

The emphasize tag should italicize text.

Insert Tag

This tag should denote text.

Keyboard Tag

This scarcely known tag emulates keyboard text, which is usually styled like the <code> tag.

Preformatted Tag

This tag styles large blocks of code.

Quote Tag

Developers, developers, developers… –Steve Ballmer

Strong Tag

This tag shows bold text.

Subscript Tag

Getting our science styling on with H2O, which should push the “2” down.

Superscript Tag Game 203: may 11, 2018the initials game.

Still sticking with science and Isaac Newton’s E = MC2, which should lift the 2 up.

Teletype Tag

This rarely used tag emulates teletype text, which is usually styled like the <code> tag.

Variable Tag

This allows you to denote variables.

(Based and freely quoted in parts from The Saturn Death Cult – Part 1, The Saturn Death Cult)

High finance and conspiracy on the plains of Shinar.

So you thought the Tower of Babel was a high-rise construction project!

For those who have read the first part of the eleventh chapter of Genesis, identifying the Tower of Babel with an ambitious attempt to build a massive ramp all the way up into heaven seems a pretty obvious conclusion. There’s talk of bricks and mortar, project management and marketing, and an angry, yet politically connected resident who sees the whole thing as an unwelcome intrusion.

As far as commercial real estate development goes, things haven’t changed much. But as obvious as this interpretation may seem, we are also left with a sneaking suspicion that building an endlessly high tower from compression-challenged clay bricks was a really daft idea to start with.

Another common take on this story is that the project ground to a halt when mankind’s language was scrambled into many different languages. This, we are told, was a precautionary punishment by the indignant resident(s) of heaven who obviously valued their privacy. Mixing up all the languages was an attempt to supposedly stop mankind from ever joining together again in more ill-conceived mega-tall constructions.

However, things are not as they all seem. A more careful reading into the events surrounding this supposed construction project is required if we are to link it to the depravations of the centuries-old Saturn Death Cult. The link is important because it forms a central plank in understanding how the Saturn Death Cult operates. When it comes to the Tower of Babel and its influence on the world’s occult elite it is almost mandatory that we adopt the true and tried investigative practise of ‘follow the money’!

BABYLON’S BANKSTERS is possibly the best source of information on the ancient origins of today’s collapsing financial system. I can’t recommend this book too highly.

Interpretations of the Babel Myth

There are, of course, a number of different popular theories about what actually happened at Babel. They range from the standard Christian interpretation of a metaphorical story highlighting man’s presumptions to be better than God to ideas that mankind was experimenting with advanced technologies capable of challenging God’s monopoly on doomsday threats. There is merit to all these interpretations, but they tend to miss the point in the humble opinion of this writer.

Those who have already read the main outline detailing the origins of the Saturn Death Cult will be aware that Babylon is a name identified as almost synonymous with a corrupt system of finance. This system lends itself to promoting worldwide debt-based slavery for the benefit of a small elite. Readers of the Saturn Death Cult will also know that this system of finance is ultimately traced back to the events of the so-called Tower of Babel story and that these events constitute mankind’s first experience with global economic catastrophe. What follows are the rationale behind these claims.

Babel, Babel, toil and trouble

Most biblical scholars agree that the name Babel is an earlier version of Babylon, the great ancient empire that ruled all of Mesopotamia during the 6th and 7th centuries BC. The names Babel and Babylon come from the same Hebrew word ‘baw-bel’ which essentially means ‘confusion’ and lends itself to the idea of a god scrambling all the languages of mankind. Both Babel and Babylon are recorded in the Bible as having been located on the plain of Shinar, a possible linguistic corruption of the name for the ancient Mesopotamian land of Sumer.

The main source for the Tower of Babel story is the biblical book of Genesis, though another account exists in the non-Biblical Book of Jubilees. For the benefit of this discussion I’ve included the Genesis text of the story below. It’s taken from the turgid King James Version, the source of so many misconceptions regarding this strange tale. The reader is urged to look very closely at verses 4, 5 and 8:

1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.

2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.

3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.

4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.

6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.

8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.

9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

Genesis, chapter 11: 1 – 9

King James Version (KJV) (emphasis mine)

In looking closely at the narrative we can see that the first misconception most people have is that the story is only about a tower. From the above we can clearly see that the construction of a city was as much a part of the project as was the construction of a tower.

4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.

In fact, the all-important tower is all but forgotten when we are told what it was that the LORD actually stopped men from building:

8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.

It’s obvious from this that the famous Tower of Babel was only a single component of the greater City of Babel. This was natural at a time when city-states were the highest form of governmental organisation over the affairs of men. In the context of the ancient world, the tower, or high point of any given city-state was the temple, and in the ancient world the Temple and its priesthood served as the administrators of that city-state. In other words, the Tower of Babel was the central point of government for the greater City of Babel.

Now, the question is, why do people build cities?

The superficial answer to that question is that cities are a place to live. They certainly don’t build cities simply to construct implausible structures. The correct answer to the question is that cities have always been a place to engage in business. People congregate in cities in order to enhance commercial activity, work a job and make money by dealing with other people. This was entirely the same motive for the building of the city of Babel. What they were actually building was an economy.

However, economies only function when people can trust the system of trade that operates the economy. This requires an acceptable system of weights and measures to determine the value of the goods being traded. It also requires the ability of a city to enforce the fairness of its system of weights and measures. This is where reference to the Tower of Babel comes into play. The ‘Tower’ would have been responsible for establishing and regulating Babel’s system of weights and measures. The Tower of Babel was, in effect, the Law of Babel.

Babel’s Master Masons

When people congregate to form an economy they need a place of meeting to engage in trade. The rise of civilisations is a consequence of the growth in trade between people and it is inextricably linked to the rise of building construction techniques.

Bubble tanks 3spiter games. The building of structures to house the surpluses of both goods and people is required to sustain an economy’s point of trade – the market place. While agriculture provided the initial surplus in goods to trade, buildings provided the venue to make the trade. And if you knew how to construct walls and roofs, then your services would be integral to any emerging economy. Thus the masons of the ancient world were a vital component to the advance of civilisation.

What the biblical account is telling us so succinctly in the third verse is that civilisation began at Babel when people discovered the technology of constructing bricks and mortar as opposed to carving out stone blocks.

3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter (sic).

Once this building technique was invented, the citizens were then able to go about expanding their economy. This is when they decided to build a “city and tower, whose top may reach unto heaven.” And this is where we get to the conspiratorial element of the legend.

A Tale of Many Cities

Throughout the Bible we have reference to various cities whose very names carry heavy symbolic meaning. Chief amongst these cities is Jerusalem which is loosely translated as ‘city of peace’. That Jerusalem became corrupt and needed to be replaced by a New Jerusalem is a central theme in the Biblical narrative. Jerusalem, or Zion as it is sometimes referred to, is constantly used by the Bible to indicate God’s intentions for this world.

The same logic applies to Babylon, a later incarnation of Babel and the designated nemeses to Jerusalem. Babylon is portrayed in the bible as an instrument of God’s wrath on the disobedient kingdom of Judah, which was headquartered at Jerusalem. Yet, once in captivity to Babylon, God’s justice and wisdom through the people of Judah are contrasted to the Babylonian way of doing things. Babylon quickly becomes a symbol of all that is not Jerusalem and God’s way of doing things. Furthermore, after its fall, Babylon’s system is predicted to rise again under the name of Mystery Babylon, a particularly sinister entity in biblical prophecy.

Clearly, what we have here in the names of Jerusalem and Babylon and the New Jerusalem and Mystery Babylon are literary symbols for contrasting systems of government. That Babel is a clear linguistic forerunner to Babylon clearly implies that Babel is linked to the symbolic baggage carried by Babylon, i.e. a system of government at odds with the God-inspired Jerusalem system of government.

The key point of contention between the two systems can be divined in the nature of Jerusalem’s fall to Babylon marking the end of the kingdom of Judah. Judah failed to enforce a jubilee that would have seen all slaves and debts erased, a feature of the biblical economic system. However, slavery and debt are conditions often identified in the Bible as being brought about by sin, and one of the major sins prohibited by the bible is the lending of money at interest. In a classic statement of biblical principles the results of lending at interest are summed up as “the borrower will always be slave to the lender”. Babylon, on the other hand, had no such compunction in promoting a system in which money was lent at interest.

What is being demonstrated here is that the Jerusalem and Babylonian systems of government were most clearly at odds over the creation and issue of money. Jerusalem represented a debt-free system of money issued against a nation’s productive capacity, while Babylon preferred the gold-backed system of money issued as a public debt. (see The Bronze Age: Man as God for a discussion on this topic as it relates to the Saturn Death Cult)

Other cities have also being used for symbolic reference in the Bible. For example Nineveh, Jericho, Tyre and even the nation of Egypt have been used as symbolic reference points for types of systems and behaviours contrasting with Jerusalem. The point is, the city of Babel is no exception and its clear link to Babylon puts it squarely in the camp of illegal financial systems according to biblical law.

A Confusion of Language


Much has been made of the Babel story’s reference to the language of men having been confused as a result of their attempt to build this tower that would reach into heaven. In this case, however, confusion of the language of man should not be confused with diversification of the language of man. The key to understanding the demise of the Babel project is in understanding the Hebrew word for ‘language’ as found in the 7th verse.

7Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.

In virtually all cases in the Bible where a spoken language or native tongue is implied, the Hebrew word ‘lashon’ is used. This is not the word used in the Genesis account of the Babel story. Here the word for ‘language’ is ‘caphah’, and it has very different connotations to ‘lashon’

‘Caphah’ is defined in Strong’s concordance as:

“. . . probably from H5595 or H8192 through the idea of termination (compare H5490); the lip (as a natural boundary); by implication, language; by analogy, a margin (of a vessel, water, cloth, etc.).” (emphasis mine)

Note the reference to ‘by analogy, a margin (of a vessel, water, cloth, etc.)’. This points directly to the use of the word ‘caphah’ in the context of defining measures by the use of ‘margins’ when the context of the story is one of ‘analogy’. It is clear that the story of Babel qualifies, in every way, as an analogy.

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There are only three other places in the Bible where ‘caphah’ is translated as language and they offer an insight into what is being communicated by the word ‘caphah’.

From Zephania 3: 9

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9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.

From Isaiah 19: 18:

18 In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one shall be called, The city of destruction.

From Psalm 81: 5:

5 This he ordained in Joseph for a testimony, when he went out through the land of Egypt: where I heard a language that I understood not.

In all these three cases where ‘caphah’ is translated as ‘language’ the context is one where people are doing things a different way. In particular, this is what Zephania means by ‘a pure language’. This is not meant to mean a spoken language, but the language of a system, a way of doing things or believing in things. This is also what is implied by the use of ‘caphah’ in the Babel analogy.

The people who joined in on the Babel project had a way of doing things, a system of operating and this was the real threat to the occupants of heaven (i.e. those in authority). The reference to ‘speech’ in the 7th verse is from the Hebrew word ‘debar’ and it refers to the means of communication by which the ‘caphah’, or ‘way of doing things’, was co-ordinated. Why would the writer repeat himself by using both ‘language’ and ‘speech’ in the first verse if he simply meant the spoken language of the people?

Babel, therefore, represented a ‘way of doing things’ that was different to those who traditionally held authority. Because Babel is linguistically linked to Babylon, and because Babylon is symbolic of a counter-financial system in opposition to the biblical God, we can safely assume that Babel was primarily a financial system under the control of those who resided in its infamous ‘Tower’. That tower, as we have seen, was the central temple and it has as its modern day equivalents, I believe, the various central banks of this modern era.

A better reading of the Tower of Babel myth

The following is a paraphrasing of the Genesis 11: 1-9 account of the Babel story with the above observations taken into account:

(1) All the people had only one economic system and one way to trade within that system.

(2) And, eventually, as they journeyed from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled down there.

(3) And they said to one another, let’s make solid, well-fired bricks instead of cutting stone blocks and use slime as mortar to join our bricks to make buildings.

(4) Then they decided to re-develop their economy and create a new central authority to run that economy’s financial system. It was decided that the central authority would replace the existing authority and the laws that had governed them before. The new authority would represent and govern them wherever they went to do business.

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(5) But the Lord (the original authority) took a good hard look at this new economic system and the growing power of its financial central authority which the descendants of Adam had created.

(6) He reported back, saying: “These people are all in agreement with this new economic system and it allows them to think they can do whatever they please according to their own ideas and rules.

(7) “We had better stop this nonsense by messing up this new economy’s financial system and its communications.”

(8) So the Lord dispersed the people in such a way that they could not continue trading under the new economic system that they had tried to build.

(9) The economic system was called Babel because that’s where the Lord ensured this rival man-made system of finance was messed up so badly that they started trading in confusion wherever they went on the earth.

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Hopefully the above makes the Tower of Babel legend a little more logical.

The Tower of Babel and its connection to the Saturn Death Cult

The Saturn Death Cult is ultimately all about control. As I hope I have established in Saturn Death Cult- Part 1 and Saturn Death Cult – Part 2, the ultimate means to control is to control the issue of money as debt.

In identifying the Tower of Babel story as mankinds’ first attempt at establishing a debt-based economic system, it’s important to note that the Bible goes on to join many other religious texts in condemning the issuing of money at interest. The interest-bearing debt-based system of finance we all suffer under today is a direct legacy of the events at Babel and the clearest indication that the Saturn Death Cult is alive and well in today’s world.

It is also important to note that a ‘tower’ evokes images of the auroral Axis Mundi that existed at Earth’s north pole during the fabled Golden Age of Man. The Axis Mundi would feature later in the Bible in the form of Jacob’s Ladder where it is revealed to Jacob by God that his descendants would have the power to ascend to the highest place of authority, i.e heaven.

Enter the Zionistas, anyone?