3d Resistivity Inversion Software Downloadslastevil

3d Resistivity Inversion Software Downloadslastevil

3d Resistivity Inversion Software Downloadslastevil

The 3D resistivity inversion model shows high resistivity ( 1000 Ω-m) in the aftershock area of the 2017 earthquake, located between two distinct low resistivity zones (C-1 and C-2) (Figs. The high Φ 2 of phase tensors also imply the C-1 and C-2 conductors as we mentioned (Fig. To ensure that the C-1 and C-2 conductors are. Software for resistivity and 3D IP inversion. Zondres3d program is designed for three-dimensional interpretation of electrical tomography resistivity and induced polarization data in land, cross-borehole and marine variants.


2D/3D-inversion software RES2DINV/RES3DINV

The RES2DINV/RES2DINV programs use the smoothness-constrained Gauss-Newton least-squares method inversion technique to produce a 2D/3D model of the subsurface from the apparent resistivity data alone. It is completely automatic and the user does not even have to supply a starting model.

This program has been optimised for the inversion of large data sets. The use of available memory is optimised so as to reduce the computer time by minimising disk swapping. On a modern microcomputer, the inversion of a single pseudosection is usually completed within seconds to minutes. Four different techniques for topographic modelling are available in this program. Together with the free 2D forward modeling program RES2DMOD, it forms a complete 2D resistivity forward modeling and inversion package.

The program will automatically choose the optimum inversion parameters for a particular data set. However, the parameters which affects the inversion process can be modified by the user. The smoothing filter can be adjusted to emphasize resistivity variations in the vertical or horizontal directions. Two different variations of the smoothness constrained least-squares method are provided; one optimised for areas where the subsurface resistivity varies in a smooth manner (such as chemical plumes), and another optimised for areas with sharp boundaries (such as massive ore bodies). A robust data inversion option is also available to reduce the effect of noisy data points. Resistivity information from borehole and other sources can also be included to constrain the inversion process.


1D-Inversion Software IX1D

free. software download

IX1D is a 1-D Direct Current (DC) resistivity, Induced Polarization (IP) and TDEM sounding inversion program.

IX1D inversion software determines a 1D-model of subsurface resisitivity corresponding to the apparent resistivity measured by a vertical electrical sounding, or the changes in the secondary magnetic field measured by a TDEM sounding.


3d Resistivity Inversion Software Download Last Evil Full

1D inversion of SEV and TDEM sounding.
2D interpolation of 1D-sounding with IX1Dv3 software version.

System requirements

3d Resistivity Inversion Software Download Last Evil 3

Operating system: Windows XP-10 (32 et 64 bits).
Mémoire vive : 512 Mo minimum.