News And Notes For The Week Of 10 7/13teach To Be Happy

  1. News And Notes For The Week Of 10 7/13teach To Be Happy Hour
  2. News And Notes For The Week Of 10 7/13teach To Be Happy Birthday

In its Spotlight blog, NARIC presents recent NIDILRR-funded research and development in technologies, such as those included in the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2021), which have the potential to change the lives of people with disabilities; in this week's Research in Focus, Spanish-speaking immigrants share experiences adjusting to traumatic brain injury; the Rocky Mountain ADA Regional Center hosts biweekly podcast, Adventures in Accessibility, featuring esteemed guests from the disability community; the project Motivating Self-Management Through Multi-Media Health Promotion adds Working Well with a Disability to its Healthy Community Living (HCL) program of workshops and trainings; the Mid-Atlantic ADA Regional Center hosts webinar, Making the Connection: Aging, Transportation, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Promoting Healthy Aging for People with Long-Term Physical Disabilities (IDEAL RRTC) hosts webinar, Policy Solutions to Support Family Caregivers; the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Improving Employment Outcomes for Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities hosts webinar, Ask Me Anything About Employment: Stigma in the Workplace; the Administration for Community Living (ACL), along with partners from other federal agencies and the technology and social service communities, launch Commit to Connect during the Consumer Electronics Show 2021 (CES 2021), a partnership to combat social isolation among people with disabilities and older adults in the community,

One more week has passed, and you are still an idiot! Hopefully, this new week will bring some sense to you! By the way, happy new week! I know a new week doesn’t make a difference for you because you are just the same shit every week. But best friends never forget to wish, so happy new week! Forget the mistakes you made last week. Everyday Heroes. If you know a person, group, organisation or charity - in any part of the world - who has done something wonderful or just makes the world a little happier, please let us know by completing the form below.

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NARIC offers examples of plain- and lay-language summaries and briefs published by NIDILRR-funded projects, as well as resources for researchers to create their own, in their Spotlight blog; this week's Research in Focus looks at well-coordinated health records to help streamline accommodations for patients with disabilities; the Temple University Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Community Inclusion and Participation for People with Serious Mental Illness publishes the 2021 Community Connections Calendar, focusing on monthly community participation goals to maintain health and safety for everyone; AbleLink WayFinder ADS was selected as one of ten semifinalists for the US Department of Transportation (DOT) Inclusive Design Challenge focused on inclusive automated driving system-dedicated vehicles (ADS-DV); the Great Lakes ADA Regional Center hosts webinar, Advancing the Full Participation of Persons with Disabilities in All Areas of Society, discussing services provided by independent living centers (ILCs) across the country; the Learning and Working During the Transition to Adulthood Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (Learning and Working RRTC) hosts webinar, Tips and Tricks to Developing and Sustaining a Family Advisory Board, discussing the purpose and value of utilizing stakeholder engagement groups in an organization; the Great Lakes Regional ADA Center hosts a webinar, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Fairness for Persons with Disabilities in Workplace Technologies; the US Access Board hosts four-part series of virtual meetings on making autonomous vehicles (AVs) accessible to all passengers, including those with disabilities, a joint initiative of the Access Board, the Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy, and the Administration for Community Living.

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NARIC offers resources from the NIDILRR community and elsewhere to help readers make a fresh start to the new year, including refreshing the work-from-home space, reconnecting with framily and friends, and more; NIDILRR seeks expert peer reviewers for upcoming disability and rehabilitation research grant competitions; in this week' Research in Focus, people who are legally blind share their preferences for accessible indoor wayfinding systems; the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Health and Function for People with Physical Disabilities Focused on Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction hosts postcast, Bladder Buzz, on topics including neurogenic bladder and its management, relationships and dating, and maintaining mental health during a pandemic; Practice quideline update recommendations summary: Disorders of consciousness, developed with NIDILRR support, is now required reading for neurological subspecialties; the Great Lakes ADA Regional Center hosts webinar, Top ADA Cases for 2020; the Pacific ADA Regional Center hosts webinar, Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody: Colorado's Development of a Statewide Access & Functional Needs Program; the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center for Disability Statistics and Demographics to host the Annual Disability Statistics Compendium as a webinar series; the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Community Living and Participation seeks participants for a national survey on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on direct support professionals (DSPs), open to U.S. DSPs and frontline supervisors; the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) hosts webinar, Accommodations for Respiratory Impairments, exploring accommodations and technologies in a work setting.

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In addition to News and Notes, NARIC's other lists include the monthly literature awareness service REHABDATA CONNECTION; the NIDILRR Announcements, featuring notices of new grant forecasts and announcements from NIDILRR's leadership; and updates, new additions to the collection, and other resources from the NIDILRR grantee community on social media and the NARIC blog; in Research in Focus, people with disabilities share their experiences of moving from institutions to community living; the New England ADA Regional Center and the Pacific ADA Regional Center publish factsheet, The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Addiction and Recovery for State and Local Governments, the third in the ADA, Addiction, and Recovery series; principal investigator for the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Technology for People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, has co-authored University of Colorado Law Review article, Telehealth and telework accessibility in a pandemic-induced virtual world; the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Employment of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities hosts webcast, The Changing Nature & Needs of the Disability Community; the Great Lakes ADA Regional Center hosts webinar, Interior and Exterior Accessible Routes, an in-depth review of when accessible routes are required under the ADA and Architectural Barriers Act (ABA); the New York Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Model System Center at Mount Sinai and the Northern New Jersey TBI System Center conduct brief survey, open to individuals over the age of 18 with TBI, to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals who have sustained a TBI; the Job Accommodations Network (JAN) releases updated report for its survey Accommodations and Compliance: Low Cost, High Impact.

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NARIC shares examples of 'elevator speeches', short media research presentations given by NIDILRR grantees, in its Spotlight blog; NIDILRR organizes virtual event, Building the Research Pipeline: Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS); Research in Focus compares barriers to volunteer activity between people with and without disabilities; the Rocky Mountain ADA Regional Center adds two new courses to its online course catalog, Document Accessibility and Presentation Accessibility; fellow in the Rusk Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training Postdoctoral Fellowship (Rusk ARRT) receives the 2021 Senil Sengupta VA Student Research Travel Award, funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs, to present his research on adapting to limb loss at the 2021 Rehabilitation Psychology Conference; principal investigator for the Southeastern Regional Spinal Cord Injury Model System Center is named to the editorial board of the journal Spinal Cord; the Community Living Policy Center hosts webinar, Using Medicaid to Support Parents with Disabilities; the Great Lakes ADA Regional Center hosts webinar, Social Media Management Accessibility Basics; the Administration for Community Living releases Annual Report on Centers for Independent Living for Program Year 2019.

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NARIC staff mourn the passing of Dr. Peg Nosek, founder and executive director of the Center for Research on Women With Disabilities at Baylor College of Medicine and principal investigator for five NIDILRR-funded studies over more than 25 years; people aging with mobility disabilities share common challenges and strategies for success in this week's Research in Focus; the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC), in collaboration with researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Spinal Cord Injury System Center and the Northern New Jersey Spinal Cord Injury System Center, publishes consumer factsheet, Personal Care Attendants and Spinal Cord Injury (SCI); the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Place-Based Solutions for Rural Community Participation, Health, and Employment publishes two resources on the impact of COVID-19 on the lives of people with disabilities, America at a glance: Early fears realized as COVID-19 surges in rural counties and Unemployment among people with disabilities during COVID-19; the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) on Improving Health and Function Through Use of Performance Standards in Wheelchair Selection launches website,, the Mid-Atlantic ADA Regional Center hosts webinar, The Impact of COVID-19 on Corrections and Law Enforcement: A Roundtable Discussion; the Southeast ADA Regional Center hosts webinar, Disability in a COVID World: Employment, Communications, Physical Spaces, and Mental Health; December 3rd is International Day of Persons with Disabilities, declared since 1992 by the United Nations General Assembly.

News and notes for the week of 10 7/13teach to be happy birthday wishes
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In anticipation of a holiday hampered by the COVID-19 pandemic, NARIC staff wishes its readers a happy and healthy Thanksgiving; Research in Focus looks at needed supports of parents with psychiatric disabilities encountering the legal system; the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center for Community Living and Participation of People with Serious Mental Illness releases training course, Creating Welcoming Parks and Recreation Environments: A Training for Professionals and Volunteers; investigators at the Texas Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Model System of TIRR and the Spaulding-Harvard TBI Model System Center interviewed for October issue of RehabCast: the podcast of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, focusing on recent article, Post-traumatic confusional state: A case definition and diagnostic criteria; the New England ADA Regional Center hosts webinar, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for Healthcare Providers: A Virtual Training; the Great Lakes ADA Regional Center hosts webinar, Using the ADA and ABA Standards: Chapter 10: Recreation Facilities; the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Employment of People Who are Blind or Have Low Vision is accepting applications for the 2021 Putting Your Best Foot Forward (PYBFF) Trainer Workshops, open to professionals providing direct services to youth with visual impairments; the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) at the Department of Education celebrate the 45th Anniversary of the signing of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

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In observance of National Caregivers Month, NARIC explores recent efforts and resources for caregivers from the NIDILRR community and elsewhere in its blog; Research in Focus explores how a peer-led health management program may benefit health, hopefulness, and employment of people with serious mental illness; INROADS: Intersecting Research on Opioid Misuse, Addiction, and Disability Services publishes one-page guide, Supporting People with Disabilities and Opioid Use Disorder: A Guide for Providers; principal investigator for Promoting Entrepreneurship Among Low-Income Youth with Disabilities receives University Scholars Program Award from the University of Illinois in Chicago; researcher at the Rehabilitation Research and Training on Employment Policy: Center for Disability-Inclusive Employment Policy Research and the Southeast ADA Regional Center co-authors article, Gig workers with disabilities: Opportunities, challenges, and regulatory response, published in the Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation; the Great Lakes ADA Regional Center hosts webinar, Accessible Kiosks, covering accessibility of interactive public kiosks for the widest range of people; the Mid-Atlantic ADA Regional Center hosts webinar, Including People with PTSD: A Personal Perspective, led by a first-responder to the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon; the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Disease Prevention hosts virtual workshop, NIH Pathways to Prevention (P2P) Workshop: Can Physical Activity Improve the Health of Wheelchair Users?

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In observance of Veterans' Day, occurring next Wednesday, NARIC explores research related to supporting veterans living with service-connected disabilities and their families indexed in the NARIC collection; Research in Focus discusses job crafting, a possibly under-utilized strategy to improve job satisfaction and career growth for workers with disabilities; the Southeast ADA Regional Center publishes webpage, Resources: Veterans and Military Families, sharing information from the ADA National Network and its regional centers, and from around the veteran and disability communities; researcher from the Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (KTDRR) receives the John Westbrook Award for Contributions to Knowledge Translation (KT) from the Campbell Collaboration; the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Employment Policy and Measurement hosts monthly webinar, National Trends in Disability Employment (nTIDE) Lunch & Learn; the Great Lakes ADA Regional Center hosts webinar, Spotlight on Mental Health: Understanding Psychiatric Advance Directives, legal documents allowing individuals with serious mental illness to state their treatment preferences in the event of commitment to a hospital; the Southeast ADA Regional Center hosts webinar, Protecting Your Mental Health During the Pandemic and Holidays, a follow-up to the ADA Live! podcast series on mental health issues during the coronavirus outbreak; the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) Job Accommodation Network (JAN) hosts webcast, The Top 10 Veteran-Related Accommodation Questions and Answers.

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During this last week of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), NARIC features research in employment programs and interventions from the NIDILRR community and elsewhere in its Spotlight blog; in this week's Research in Focus, people with disabilities describe features of mobile health apps that would increase accessibility; the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC) publishes factsheet, Voting Tips for People Living with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), in collaboration with researchers from the Indiana TBI Model System Center; research from the Center for Research, Training, and Dissemination of Family Support for People with Disabilities Across the Life Course was highlighted in USA Today article, For family caregivers, COVID-19 is a mental health crisis in the making; Helping Youth on the Path to Employment (HYPE), Creating Economic Self-Sufficiency, was highlighted in WBNG 12 News, HYPE program to begin at Binghamton University; the Mid-Atlantic ADA Regional Center hosts webinar, Medical Marijuana and the ADA: Hashing Out How States and Employers Cope with Medical Marijuana; the Great Lakes ADA Regional Center hosts webinar, Using the ADA and ABA Standards: Chapter 9: Built-in Elements, reviewing scoping and technical provisions for built-in elements in the Americans with Disabilities Act and Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards; the Administration for Community Living (ACL) continues to update its information resource page, What Do Older Adults and People with Disabilities Need to Know About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)?

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UVA, State take top honors at NC State Invitational

Midweek ACC Cross Country action saw the Virginia men and NC State women claim team championships at Wednesday’s NC State Invitational, which also featured Duke and North Carolina.

Virginia senior Rohann Asfaw, who was named the USTFCCCA National Male Athlete of the Week for his standout performance at the Virginia Invite on Sept. 25, led the way for the Cavaliers again on Wednesday with a gold medal 8K time of 23:32.5. He posted the personal-best mark at the WakeMed Soccer Park course, which is slated to play host to the ACC Championships on Friday, Oct. 30.

News And Notes For The Week Of 10 7/13teach To Be Happy Hour

The NC State women were led by senior Dominique Clairmonte’s gold medal 5K time of 16:56.4. Clairmonte placed seven seconds ahead of teammate Hannah Steelman and 33 seconds ahead of third-place finisher Sasha Neglia of North Carolina, who entered the race off impressive first-place finishes in their teams’ season openers less than two weeks earlier.

Runners of the Week


Georgia Tech senior Andrew Kent was named the ACC Men’s Performer of the Week, while Boston College senior Lauren White earned Women’s Performer of the Week honors. Kent placed second at last weekend’s Florida State Invitational, just 0.4 millimeters of a second behind the winner. White ran to a third-place finish on the women’s side of the same event. Each posted the highest finish among ACC runners.

Florida State’s Alyson Churchill and Pitt’s Sam Otis were named ACC Freshman of the Week. Churchill’s personal best 5K time Apalachee Regional Park was good for a fifth-place finish at the FSU Invite and helped the host Seminoles to the team title. Otis turned in an impressive collegiate debut, leading all freshmen runners and figuring in the team scoring in the Panthers’ dual meet at Navy.


News And Notes For The Week Of 10 7/13teach To Be Happy Birthday