Advanced Email Marketing: A B Testing

Advanced Email Marketing: A B Testing

A/B testing is not limited to modifications to your site’s pages. You can apply the concept to all your marketing activities, such as traffic acquisition via e-mail marketing campaigns, AdWords campaigns, Facebook Ads, and much more. Resources for going further with A/B testing: A Beginner’s Guide to A/B Testing your Email Campaigns.

  1. Mailrelay free email marketing software. It offers a powerful free account, SMTP server, online panel with advanced features, such as advanced statistics, autoresponders, RSS Feed campaigns, API and subscription form generator. With this system, you will have technical support, to send newsletters using the online panel or an smtp server.
  2. Advanced Email Marketing: A/B Testing Email campaigns and newsletters can be a great way to get repeat business. A/B testing is a great way to refine and optimize your emails to help drive not only higher open and click rates, but ideally translate into higher conversion rates and more revenues.

Email Marketing is the cost-effective way for the online businesses. It works as the prior tool for the business’s revenue generation and brand awareness. But sometimes it’s quite confusing that How to maintain a good brand value by sending the emails of customer’s interest.

Here let’s discuss a proven testing for your email campaigns to make sure your business mailing working as the key to your branding or not. And the best way to test email campaigns, split testing is the advanced email marketing tool to get the valid results of running campaigns.

But for making the email campaign test successful, email marketers should know the essentials of the email marketing split testing.

First starts with the small introduction of split testing to understand this technique of email marketing more intensely.

What is email campaign split testing?

Split testing is also known as A/B testing in technical terms, which means test the variations of an email campaign to know that which works the best.

For testing, purpose makes two small lists of your potential customer’s emails and send.

Suppose, you made the list of customers X, Y & Z and two variations of your email campaigns, campaign A, B & C.

Send campaign A to X customers, campaign B to Y customers and campaign C to Z customers. And test the variations that, which campaign is working better than other.

These campaigns are highly track able because of the best email marketing software, so you can track each activity of the mailer and can analyze their behaviour.

For getting the accurate results try to test one thing at a time, even you have to test more than one thing.

Now the question is,

How to decide which variations have to be tested?

So, make sure you’ll know your audience’s interest and their behaviour. This information will help you to decide what you have to test for knowing the best version of emails.

Make a list of things which affects the emails conversions and them test one by one from your list to find the best.

Here below the list of some elements which you can include in your testing-

  • Subject lines- Try the different subject line to test which line influence more audience to open your mail.
  • Email content placement and design- If you are confused which template design works for your customers, make variations of your template designing and test on them for better getting the accuracy in email marketing strategy.
  • Customized templates- Try the customized templates for testing and choose the best one from your own email designs.

Size of the Variations-

If you want to create the variations more than 2, you can. Create 10 variants at a time and make your testing more transparent.

The variations of the email templates give you the better results and show you the winning variant of your template, which will become the revenue generator for your business.

How to choose the winning variant from your A/B testing campaigns?

Advanced Email Marketing: A B Testing Test

Decide the criteria for the winning variants. Like total open rate, total click rate, unique click rate, unique open rate, interactive rate, unsubscribed rate and choose the manual criteria for your winner variant.

Report sample of the split testing is-

This report is showing here that how the testing results shown.

Advanced Email Marketing: A B Testing Positive


Advanced Email Marketing: A B Testing Results

In this report two variants of an email campaign created and tested with the set winning criteria. See how well one variation works than another one.

Advanced Email Marketing: A B Testing Questions

Here is the way of split test of your email marketing campaigns. Knowing the testing essential make your brand awareness easier. With this technique you can do targeted email marketing with reasonable pricing which is more effective and mannered way of interactive with customers.